Our standard leather is premium glazed harness. There are no corners cut here, it’s some of the best quality leather money can buy. It comes in many different colors, all drum-dyed at the tannery. When you order most standard items such as Radio Straps, Suspenders, Tool Belts, etc; this is the leather they are crafted from.
Some items are either listed as “Traditional” or have the option for “Traditional” latigo. This is the leather we started with and it remains in such high demand we continue to offer it as an option. The biggest difference is that the Traditional is loaded with tallows and waxes from the tannery. This creates a supremely durable, handsome leather that will resist sweat, water and heat. Because of the heavy oils, it is resistant to the customization our standard leather offers. Stamping will accept black dye but paints will not adhere to it well. Make no mistake, the Traditional latigo has incredible properties that make it very well suited to firefighter gear but it highly limits our ability to customize it.
Either leather will provide you a durable and functional item that will last forever if cared for.
Mask Covers are made from Hermann Oak Veg-Tanned leather that is oil-dyed or painted to customer specifications.
We sometimes have unique specialty leathers as limited offerings in certain products. Some examples are Buffalo, Kangaroo or Patent Gloss leathers. Whenever an offering deviates from our prized Harness or Latigos, we make sure to let the customer know.
We stock a number of special stamps which can be embossed and optionally painted if desired depending on the item. We can make custom stamps if you do not see a design you like here. Either select the option while ordering your item or contact us directly if you have questions. This list is continually updated as we add new stamps.
Flag Stamps
- US Flag
- US Flag with Axe
- ALL State Flags
- City of Wichita Flag
- Tricolor Flags w/ Vertical Bars (Italy, France, Germany, Ireland, etc.)
- Tricolor Flags w/ Horizontal Bars (Russia, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, etc.)
- Canadian Flag
- UK Flag
- …we can produce flag stamps for other countries and cities on request.
Rank Stamps
- 5 Bugles Chief
- 4 Bugles Chief
- 3 Bugles Chief
- 2 Bugles Chief
- Captain’s 2 Bugles
- Lieutenant’s Bugle
Maltese Cross Stamps
- Plain Maltese Cross
- “FD” Maltese
- IAFF Maltese Cross
- Thin Red Line Maltese
Fire Related Stamps
- HAZMAT Diamond
- Star of Life
- Fire Hydrant
- Caduceus Symbol
- Axe & Halligan
- “Jaws of Life”
Military Stamps
- US Army
- Coast Guard
- Space Force
- …we can produce military logos for specific branches, regiments and qualifications on request.
Symbolic Stamps
- Charity Ribbons
- Anchor
- Cross
- Spartan Helmet
- 9/11 Memorial
- 3-Leaf Clover
- 4-Leaf Clover
- Skull & Crossbones
- Wolf/Dog Paw Print
This is where old school leather and new technology meet. We can laser engrave custom designs directly on your item. Laser engravings usually can’t be painted (depends on the complexity/size of the design) but they allow for detail to be transferred to the leather without the extra expensive of making a custom stamp. Here are some ideas of what we can do:
- Company Patches or Logos
- Department Patches
- Simplified Photos (on larger surfaces such as mask covers)
- Badges
- Family Crests
- …almost anything.
We require a digital artwork or vector file to perform laser engraving. If you don’t have this file, there may be an artwork fee involved with converting the image to be ready for engraving. Unfortunately, due to the time involved, we cannot provide this service for free. The cost of converting artwork will be based on the quality of the original image and the complexity of the design. For example, you can take a photo of your department patch and after paying an artwork fee, we will convert this to digital format. Customers can request a copy of the file after completion and we keep all previous artwork archived for future use. Artwork fees of this nature are one time and future uses of the logo do not require artwork fees. Please feel free to contact us ahead of time if you have any concerns.
FONT OPTIONS for Stamping Straps and Belts
This is our current font offering. If you have a special request, please include the details with your order.